



This stone is one of the most unique stone artifacts in the world.
Facade artificial stone in terms of design and background color in different styles, including:

Stones without streaks, light background with cream streaks and cream background with chocolate streaks of Abbas Abad Super Eyebrow design.

One of the best-selling designs is the artificial travertine design of Abbas Abad Super Eyebrow , which you can see in the picture.


Properties of synthetic travertine

1- This stone is produced from processed concrete

It is obtained from compounds of sand, mineral pumice, stone powder, German mineral paints and concrete lubricants without using resins, polymeric materials, adhesives, etc.

2- In terms of weight and strength, it is the same as natural travertine and has a weight of 38 kg per square meter.

3- Due to the special type of production process and the type of molds, it has caused a very high density in the rock and the percentage of water absorption in this rock is zero.

This makes the stone highly resistant to cold, heat, snow and rain.

Problems in natural stone due to water absorption from the rock surface such as freezing, scaling, dandruff and cracking…

In this stone it is zero.


4- The color of the stone is German mineral paint and anti-UV materials have been used in the stone to resist the sun’s rays.

The paint is mixed with the surface material and then molded and does not paint on the stone in any way, and this causes a long life of the paint.

5- The back of the stone has a high water absorption, which makes it 2 to 3 times more sticky than natural stone without the need for scooping.

6- The four corners of this stone have been scooped and due to its 18 mm thickness, it can be scooped.

7- The size of the stone is 205 * 40 cm.


Application of artificial travertine stone:

Synthetic travertine stone building facade due to high strength and hardness, and without high porosity and adhesion to cement mortar…

Can be used in the facade of a high building.

 Advantages of artificial stone facade of the building

1- Beautiful appearance like Abbas Abad Super

2- Absorption of water at zero from the rock surface

3- High resistance of the stone against cold weather and frost

4- Very high adhesion with cement mortar

5- Variability of stone veins like natural stone


 What is the adhesion of artificial travertine stone?

One of the biggest problems working with many natural stones is its low adhesion to the cement mortar and its low water absorption.

This problem can be solved with a scope in many cases.

But it costs money to provide the scope and the cost of implementation and increase the duration of the project.

The back of the rock has created an uneven surface due to the presence of mineral pumice and sand

This caused a very high water absorption and a lot of adhesion to the slurry.

So that even in the smallest cut widths, no scoop is needed.
Another problem of natural stone is the difference in its coefficient of thermal expansion compared to the cement slurry behind the stone

This separates the stone from the cement over the years.

It should be noted that the facade artificial stone because it is processed from concrete:

The coefficient of thermal expansion is very close to the slurry because they are both of the same material.

Linear thermal expansion:

Increasing the kinetic energy of the rock-forming particles increases the equilibrium distance of the bonded atoms

As a result, it increases the length of chemical bonds.
Increasing the length of these bonds increases the length of the solids.



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